Apr 5, 2023

You’re Only Old Once! – Rediscover Dr. Seuss

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You’re never too old for Dr. Seuss! Rediscover the magic of his writing with You’re Only Old Once! This witty and beautifully illustrated book takes you on a Seussian journey through a check-up with an elderly man being poked, prodded and ogled.
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Dr. Seuss isn’t just for kids! Rediscover the magic of his writing with You’re Only Old Once! This beautifully illustrated and witty book follows an elderly man as he navigates a uniquely Seussian check-up where he’s poked, prodded, and ogled. Don’t miss out on this delightful read – order your copy today and see that you’re never too old for Dr. Seuss!

You're Only Old Once!

You're Only Old Once!

RH Childrens Books. 2013

Join in on the fun (and funny) journey of getting older with this hilarious Dr. Seuss picture book—it’s just what the doctor ordered for new retirees, old souls, and kids at heart--and makes a perfect gift to celebrate birthdays and other milestones!" The Doctor is in...Dr. Seuss that is! Readers will laugh along with the parade of medical madness as an elderly patient is poked, prodded and ogled during his stay at the “Golden Years Clinic on Century Square for Spleen Readjustment and...

You're Only Old Once!

Random House Incorporated. 1986

Dr. Seuss's elderly Everyman travels, in rhyme and illustrations, along the Golden Years Clinic's assembly line of medical tests and questions, meeting Miss Becker of Stethescope Row, Dr. Pollen, Dietician Van Eiffel, and others

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