Apr 8, 2023

Where the Wild Moms Are: A Comical Homage to Relaxation

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Bring laughter and relaxation into your busy mom’s life with Where the Wild Moms Are. Join a tired mom on a comical journey to a joyous place where all the wild moms are.
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Give your stressed-out and busy mom a reason to laugh with Where the Wild Moms Are. This comical homage to Where the Wild Things Are takes you on a journey with a tired mom who finds herself transported to a joyous place where wild moms can relax and have fun. Join her on this hilarious adventure and discover the power of laughter and relaxation.

Where the Wild Moms Are

Where the Wild Moms Are

Faber & Faber. 2016

The day Mom didn't get dressed and went on strike, Dad called her 'a Wild Thing' and Mom said 'Cook your own dinner' and stomped off upstairs to have a bath . . . In this hilarious, touching homage to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are, a worn-out mom finds herself floating across time and space to the place where the Wild Moms are. Dazzled by her party tricks, they crown her Queen of the Wild Moms and try to entice her to join their conga . . . But Mom has just remembered who she...

Where the Wild Dads Went

Where the Wild Dads Went

Faber & Faber. 2017

The night Dad had a few cheeky ones after work, forgot the milk and tripped over the rubbish, Mum called him A Wild Thing and left him to it for the rest of the evening. . . .In this hilarious, touching homage to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are, a 'tired and emotional' dad finds himself drifting off to the place where the Wild Dads went. 'Now party like real men!' he said. And there was never a manliness like it. In a riot of headbanging, air guitar and table football he finds...

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

Workman Publishing. 2022

A rhyming illustrated humor book for moms who feel they're not doing a good job (and that's all moms, right?). Packed with scientifically true examples of terrible parents in the animal kingdom, to remind and reassure any mother that there are way worse moms out there.

My Mom Is Magical

My Mom Is Magical

Abrams. 2018

The creators behind the greeting card and design studio Hello!Press share a joyful tribute to moms in this delightfully illustrated children’s book. Is your mom more amazing than a billion butterflies? More sparkly than a universe of stars? Sweeter than a cloud of cotton candy? Then this book is definitely for you! From Eunice and Sabrina Moyle, the creative team behind Hello!Press, this children’s book celebrates all the things that make Mom magical. Each page reveals whimsical artwork and...

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