Apr 4, 2023

True Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t – 500 Mind-Blowing Facts That Sound Like Complete Nonsense

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Impress Your Friends with Strange Trivia from True Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t, a Book Packed with 500 Mind-Blowing Facts.
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Expand your knowledge with True Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t, a book that features 500 unbelievable facts from various subjects. With this book, you can become the master of strange and obscure trivia, which will surely impress your friends and family. Discover the most bizarre and fascinating facts that sound like complete nonsense but are actually true.

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From cubed wombat poop to the dancing plague and the real-life Dracula, this collection of 500 bizarre facts is sure to make you say bull$#*t! Learn the weirdest facts in the world with this hilarious guide to all things bizarre and hard to believe. Challenge your friends, puzzle your family, and troll social media with trivia sure to stump even the most experienced fact guru. With 500 insane facts that are guaranteed to have you saying, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” you’ll be a weird...

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Prove your awesomeness—or bolster your stockpile of conversation starters! Either way, prove you’re the smartest schmuck in the room with over 500 absurdly real facts! With over 500 outrageous and real facts on everything from hippo sweat to stars in the galaxy, you're sure to impress your friends, stump your colleagues, and crush the trivia night competition! Discover insane-but-true factoids and prove you really do know it all! Test out the True or False questions covering the gamut of...

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Fact. Fact. Bullsh*t!

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