Apr 9, 2023

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber

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Support the LGBTQ+ community and enjoy a witty and entertaining read with Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus. This adult romance novel is a response to JK Rowling’s transphobia.
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Looking for an entertaining and thought-provoking read that supports the LGBTQ+ community? Look no further than Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus. This adult romance novel is a witty response to JK Rowling’s transphobia and will keep you engaged from start to finish. Experience the magical world of Harriet Porber as she navigates the complexities of gender identity and relationships. Order your copy today and show your support for the queer and trans community.

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus

Independently Published. 2020

Trans wizard Harriet Porber is a master spellsmith who's found herself in a bit of a pickle. After finishing wizard college, Harriet made a name for herself by creating a hit viral spell, but has since failed to craft a follow up. Now Harriet's agent, Minerma, is breathing down her neck, suggesting that Harriet take a trip to an island off the coast of England for inspiration. Hoping for some peace and quiet to clear her head, Harriet Porber arrives to find that her new neighbor, an angsty...

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Theater Of Love

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Theater Of Love

Trans wizard Harriet Porber should be riding high after crafting one of the most powerful spells of all time, a magical effect that brings you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. Unfortunately, once unleashed upon the world, this spell causes nothing but chaos and is promptly banned. Blacklisted from the wizarding community, Harriet moves to Las Vegas with her bad boy parasaurolophus husband, Snabe, moping around while Snabe performs a musical residency. But things change when...

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