Apr 7, 2023

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

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Ease the mind of a new mom in your life with There Are Way Worse Moms Than You. This humorous book for adults showcases bizarre yet true examples of ‘bad’ moms in the animal kingdom. Laugh and learn with this unique read.
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Looking for a lighthearted book to boost the spirits of a new mom? There Are Way Worse Moms Than You is the perfect choice. This entertaining read for adults features numerous examples of ‘bad’ moms in the animal kingdom, guaranteed to make you laugh and learn at the same time. Get your copy today and share in the humor of motherhood.

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

Workman Publishing. 2022

A rhyming illustrated humor book for moms who feel they're not doing a good job (and that's all moms, right?). Packed with scientifically true examples of terrible parents in the animal kingdom, to remind and reassure any mother that there are way worse moms out there.

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

Workman Publishing Company. 2022

A rhyming illustrated humor book for moms who feel they're not doing a good job (and that's all moms, right?). Packed with scientifically true examples of terrible parents in the animal kingdom, to remind and reassure any mother that there are way worse moms out there.

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