Apr 7, 2023

The Worst Alphabet Book Ever Made – Laugh and Learn

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Give your child a hilarious and unconventional approach to learning the alphabet with “The Worst Alphabet Book Ever Made.” This amusing read introduces “mischievous words” that break the rules of phonetics and spelling, making it a great addition to any child’s library. Order now for a unique and fun learning experience!
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Looking for a fun and unconventional way to teach your child the alphabet? Look no further than “The Worst Alphabet Book Ever Made.” This humorous read introduces “mischievous words” that defy phonetics and spelling rules, making the learning experience both entertaining and educational. Give your child a unique and fun approach to literacy by ordering your copy of “The Worst Alphabet Book Ever Made” today!

P Is for Pterodactyl

P Is for Pterodactyl

Sourcebooks, Inc.. 2018

A New York Times Bestseller! A "raucous trip through the odd corners of our alphabet." —The New York Times Let's get real—the English language is bizarre. A might be for apple, but it's also for aisle and aeons. Why does the word "gnat" start with a G but the word "knot" doesn't start with an N? It doesn't always make sense, but don't let these rule-breaking silent letters defeat you! This whimsical, funky book from Raj Haldar (aka rapper Lushlife) turns the traditional idea of an alphabet...

The Worst Alphabet Book Ever

Sourcebooks Jabberwocky. 2018

Turning the traditional idea of an alphabet book on its head, P is for Pterodactyl is perfect for anyone who has ever been stumped by silent letters or confused by absurd homophones. This whimsical, unique book takes silent letter entries like "K is for Knight" a step further with "The noble knight's knife nicked the knave's knee." Lively illustrationsprovide context clues, and alliterative words help readers navigate text like "a bright white gnat is gnawing on my gnocchi" with ease....

No Reading Allowed

No Reading Allowed

Sourcebooks, Inc.. 2020

From the #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling authors of P IS FOR PTERODACTYL comes another hilarious, fresh look at the English language! The hero had super vision. The hero had supervision. Man, a tea sounds great. Manatee sounds great! Sir Francis Bacon Sir, France is bakin'! What is going on here?! You can't believe everything you hear! A single word can have many different meanings. And sometimes two words that sound alike can be spelled completely differently. Ptolemy the pterodactyl is back...

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There Are Moms Way Worse Than You

Workman Publishing. 2022

A rhyming illustrated humor book for moms who feel they're not doing a good job (and that's all moms, right?). Packed with scientifically true examples of terrible parents in the animal kingdom, to remind and reassure any mother that there are way worse moms out there.

P is for pterodactyl, T is for tsunami: the 'worst alphabet book' becomes a bestseller - The Guardian

December 3, 2018 - The Guardian

P is for pterodactyl, T is for tsunami: the 'worst alphabet book' becomes a bestseller  The Guardian...

The Story Behind 'P Is For Pterodactyl,' The Self-Described 'Worst ... - The New York Times

January 25, 2019 - The New York Times

The Story Behind 'P Is For Pterodactyl,' The Self-Described 'Worst   The New York Times...

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