Immerse yourself in the world of cannabis with The Scratch & Sniff Book of Weed. This book covers over 4000 years of weed history in 22 pages with 20 scratch-and-sniff scents, making you a cannabis connoisseur.
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The Scratch & Sniff Book of Weed is a creatively illustrated book that will take you on a journey through 4000 years of weed history. With 20 scratch-and-sniff scents and just 22 pages, this book manages to cover the history of cannabis from ancient times to the present day. By plunging your nose into the pages of this book, you’ll become an undisputed connoisseur of cannabis, able to distinguish different scents and appreciate the rich history of this plant.
Scratch & Sniff Book of Weed
Abrams. 2017
Legal in all 50 states, this entertaining, informative, and whimsically illustrated guide covers 4,000 years of weed and its significance—psychoactive, cultural, medical, sexual, and more—in just 22 pages and with 20 scratch-&-sniff scents. From the science behind the munchies to the botanical link between weed and beer; from weed’s sexual upsides to its (literal) sexual downsides; from Tupac to Shakespeare to why weed makes music sound better: This book may just be the greatest-ever gift...