Apr 4, 2023

The Official Dictionary Of Sarcasm – Master the Art of Sarcasm

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Elevate your sarcasm game with The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm. Find witty and humorous responses to any social situation. A must-have addition to your bookshelf.
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Looking to add some humor and wit to your social interactions? The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm is the perfect tool for anyone who considers sarcasm a second language. With this dictionary, you can easily find a witty and humorous response to almost any social situation. Elevate your sarcasm game and make your conversations more entertaining with this must-have addition to your bookshelf.

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm

Sterling Innovation. 2023

Offers brief and sarcastic explanations for the existence of things ranging from acne, a way that nature delays sexual activity, to zebra, an animal made to look fat.

The Sarcasm Handbook

The Sarcasm Handbook

Simon and Schuster. 2017

From the author of the bestselling Snark series comes the premiere guide to satire, sneering, jeering, and mockery in their finest forms. A surviving knight of many a verbal joust, Larry Dorfman has become an expert at backhanded sass and cathartic banter. Featuring life lessons from the master himself, as well as quotes and quips by some of history’s sarcastic greats, The Sarcasm Handbook teaches readers how to deflect stupidity and express their inner dissatisfaction with a keen...

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm Postcards

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm Postcards

Sterling. 2014

Long live snarkiness! When you need to impart your wit and wisdom to the world, these 45 snippy postcards will do the trick. The brainchild of James Napoli, executive vice president of the National Sarcasm Society and creator of The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm, this cutting collection will provoke thought, inspire laughs, and make people (especially the dull ones) very uncomfortable.

The Giant Book of Insults

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Citadel Press. 2000

A lively collection of sharp retorts and ripostes, pithy pot, ricocheting bombast - caustic quips, and polite, and the definitely unpolite, sort of put downs. This book can either be read for the sheer fiendish fun of it, or it can be put to work as a sourcebook for anyboday - speakers, entertainers, managers, writers - who wishes to communicate a little more forcefully. Carefully categorised according to targets, this book can be used time and time again to deflate egotists, dispose of...

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ReadHowYouWant.com. 2023

A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue

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Chronicle Books. 2020

A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue is a profane guide to the slang from the backstreets and taverns of 18th-century London. This slang dictionary gathers the most amusing and useful terms from English history and helpfully presents them to be used in the conversations of our modern day. Originally published in 1785, the Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue was one of the first lexicons of English slang, compiled by a militia captain who collected the terms he overheard on his...

Book of Even More Awesome

Book of Even More Awesome

Hardie Grant Publishing. 2023

Based on the award-winning blog 1000 Awesome Things, The Book of (Even More) Awesome is the sequel to Pasricha’s bestselling The Book of Awesome. It is filled with more of the little wins that unexpectedly brighten your day. Finally getting that tiny piece of popcorn out of your teeth, accidentally doing something really good in sports, when a baby falls asleep on you, the moment on holiday when you forget what day of the week it is, waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon. While polar ice...

Christmas Letters Gone Wild

Christmas Letters Gone Wild

Chamberlain Brothers. 2005

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm: A Lexicon for Those of Us Who ... - Paste Magazine

February 4, 2014 - Paste Magazine

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm: A Lexicon for Those of Us Who   Paste Magazine...

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