Apr 3, 2023

The Book Of Useless Information

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Uncover fascinating and intriguing facts by exploring the pages of The Book of Useless Information, containing 250 articles, trivia, stats, and lists on a variety of captivating subjects.
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If you’re looking for an enjoyable and educational read, The Book of Useless Information is a must-have. Containing 250 articles, trivia, stats, and lists on a variety of captivating subjects, this 704-page book is a treasure trove of information that will keep you engaged and fascinated for hours on end. Learn about strange and peculiar facts that you never knew existed and discover the wonders of the world around you.

The Book of Useless Information

The Book of Useless Information

Publications International Limited. 2023

The Book of Useless Information addresses virtually every imaginable topic, from the most unusual tourist attractions in the United States to the legend of Dracula. This 704-page padded hardcover book contains 250 articles, statistics, facts, trivia, and lists that range from absurd to useless to hilarious. Readers learn about the deadliest diseases of the 20th century, the craziest entertainment acts of all time, the world's most unusual museums, the most outlandish laws on the books, the...

The Totally Awesome Book of Useless Information

The Totally Awesome Book of Useless Information

Penguin. 2012

Did you know that the Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving? Or that Maine is the toothpick capital of the world, or that frogs have teeth? Do you want to know what a cockroach’s favorite food is, or how long it would take to drive to the sun? Amaze your friends and family by telling them that a baby giraffe is six feet long when it is born, or that tigers have striped skin! From the creators of The Book of Useless Information, this is an amazing collection of the wildest, oddest,...

The Book of Useless Information

The Book of Useless Information

Penguin. 2006

What you may so cavalierly call useless information could prove invaluable to someone else. Then again, maybe not. But to The Useless Information Society, any fact that passes its gasp-inducing, not-a-lot-of-people-know-that test merits inclusion in this fascinating but ultimately useless book... Did you know (or do you care)... • That fish scales are used to make lipstick? • Why organized crime accounts for ten percent of the United States’s annual income? • The name of the first CD pressed...

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge

Princeton University Press. 2017

A short, provocative book about why "useless" science often leads to humanity's greatest technological breakthroughs A forty-year tightening of funding for scientific research has meant that resources are increasingly directed toward applied or practical outcomes, with the intent of creating products of immediate value. In such a scenario, it makes sense to focus on the most identifiable and urgent problems, right? Actually, it doesn't. In his classic essay "The Usefulness of Useless...

The Ultimate Book of Useless Information

The Ultimate Book of Useless Information

Penguin. 2007

Bigger, better, and more useless than ever! In their groundbreakingly useless book, The Book of Useless Information, the members of the Useless Information Society proved that knowledge doesn't have to be useful to be entertaining. Now they present a new collection of their most fascinating, hilarious, and wholly trivial findings. The Ultimate Book of Useless Information includes such "did you knows" as: - Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite - The average person spends two weeks...

The Mega Book of Useless Information

The Mega Book of Useless Information

Kings Road Publishing. 2010

Continuing the sensational success of the Useless Information Series, the Official Useless Information Society bring you another essential compendium of everything you never needed but always wanted to know. If you are a lover of the wonderfully pointless, then this is the book for you.

The Super Book of Useless Information

The Super Book of Useless Information

Penguin. 2011

Faster than a speeding bullet, more useless than ever before. The #1 New York Times bestselling series reaches new heights of irrelevance with this powerfully pointless, all-new collection of the things you never need to know. Do you actually care that... there are three feet of DNA in every cell? Saturn has 47 moons? March is National Frozen Foods Month? in 2010 a traffic jam in China lasted ten days? Would it improve your life to know... which movie star wanted to be a funeral director?...

The Book of Unusual Knowledge

The Book of Unusual Knowledge

Publications International, Limited. 2012

The Book of Unusual Knowledge is a mammoth 704-page hardcover book crammed with a cornucopia of information--some useful, others not so much--but all of it completely captivating. It's perfect for anyone with a curious mind and a passion for learning. With quirky illustrations and a vast array of articles, anecdotes, lists, and games, this book will provide hours of fascinating reading. It will also expand your knowledge on a range of topics, including the animal kingdom, art, sports,...

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