Discover the unexpected beauty of Donald Trump’s tweets and quotes, transformed into poetic masterpieces. Get to know the sensitive and introspective man behind the brazen exterior in The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump.
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Prepare to be surprised by the unexpected beauty of Donald Trump’s tweets and quotes when transformed into poetic masterpieces. The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump offers an intimate look into the sensitive and introspective side of Number 45 that is often hidden behind his brazen and cocksure exterior. Delve into the thoughtful and profound musings of one of America’s most controversial leaders and gain a deeper appreciation for the man himself.
The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump
Canongate Books. 2019
What if there's a hidden dimension to Donald Trump; a sensitive, poetic side? Driven by this question, Rob Sears began combing Trump's words for signs of poetry. What he found was a revelation. By simply taking the 45th President of the United States' tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, Sears unearthed a trove of beautiful verse that was just waiting to be discovered. This groundbreaking collection gives readers a glimpse of Trump's innermost thoughts and feelings on...
The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump
Canongate Books. 2017
All I ask is fairness People are constantly attacking my hair I think it's very unfair Obama said he never met his uncle Oscar Can you imagine if I made that statement? It would be the electric chair What if there's another side to Donald Trump? A sensitive, poetic side? Driven by this question, Rob Sears began combing The Donald's words for signs of poetry. What he found was a revelation. By simply taking the President Elect's tweets and transcripts, cutting them up and reordering them, he...
Vladimir Putin: Life Coach
Canongate Books. 2018
What can the rise of this century's most feared politician teach us about life, work and love? Rob Sears satirises the machinations that enabled Putin to dominate the Kremlin and undermine the United States of America as ways to help you take control of your mundane life. Would you like to ruin your enemies by sharing compromising material about that time they didn't wash their hands? Fancy hacking democracy at the parent-teacher association to ensure you're a shoo-in for social secretary?...
Choose Your Own Apocalypse With Kim Jong-un & Friends
Canongate Books. 2019
There are many ways civilisation could end, even with wise, benevolent leaders like Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin watching over us. Now, in this fun interactive story of global doom, YOU decide how humanity perishes. Will we be turned to grey goo by Elon Musk's nanobots? Driven collectively insane by Russia's most potent memes? Or smashed to atoms by someone sitting on the wrong button in North Korea? In this book, YOU will meet the leaders with the future of civilisation in...
Bard of the Deal
HarperCollins. 2015
From award-winning reporter and author of Pieces of Intelligence: The Existential Poetry of Donald H. Rumsfeld comes this collection of poems mined from the interviews, speeches, and tweets of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The Vicious Ones I was attacked viciously By those women, Of course, it's very hard for them To attack me on looks, Because I'm so good looking. But I was attacked very viciously By those women. --August 9, 2015, NBC’s Meet the Press Straight from the...
Corn Pop
Independently Published. 2020
I remember when W was president and many people were worried about his intellectual ability. This was much later than Reagan and worries about his Alzheimers. I only heard about this because I was too young to really remember much about Reagan while he was in office. But, this is all overshadowed these days with the fragments and short bursts of Trump and the ramblings of Biden. The time is right to present the poetry of Biden. All of these poems are taken straight from the speeches of Biden...
Good Bones
Tupelo Press. 2020
Featuring “Good Bones”—called “Official Poem of 2016” by the BBC/Public Radio International. Maggie Smith writes out of the experience of motherhood, inspired by watching her own children read the world like a book they've just opened, knowing nothing of the characters or plot. These are poems that stare down darkness while cultivating and sustaining possibility, poems that have a sense of moral gravitas, personal urgency, and the ability to address a larger world. Maggie Smith's previous...