Apr 10, 2023

Pornogami: Origami For Adults – Elevate Your Paper-Folding Game

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Impress your friends and family with your paper-folding skills using the Pornogami: Origami for Adults book. Learn how to create unique and eye-catching designs, including a penis, vagina, and paper sperm.
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Tired of the same old napkin swans and roses? Take your paper-folding skills to the next level with Pornogami: Origami for Adults. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to turn a simple piece of paper into impressive designs, such as a penis, vagina, or paper sperm. Impress and entertain your loved ones with your newfound origami skills.



Master Sugoi's origami normally features classical figures, animals, creatures, and design, but Pornogami shows a new side of his talent. A piece of pornogami folded in the right setting, he discovered, can produce smiles and laughter in a way that no butterfly or bird ever could. Shapes include a variety of erotic body parts, including the amazing 3-D penis. Those who have mastered the technique can produce their own adult objets d'art, but the book's simple, step-by-step instructions help...

Erotic Origami

Erotic Origami

Fit to Print Pub.. 2019

Erotic Origami will satisfy the adult-oriented cravings of origami aficionados. Over 600 full-color illustrations will guide you to recreate twelve origami pieces. A chapter on materials and methods is also included, so you can make your models as presentable as possible.

Very Naughty Origami

Very Naughty Origami

Universe Pub. 2023

Anyone who thought of origami as child's play is in for a surprise with this funny and entertaining book that goes where no other origami books have gone before. Combining the ancient Japanese art of origami with humor and sex, each project transforms an average piece of chaste, virgin paper into something both artistic and enticing. Full-color photos.

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