Discover tips on everyday etiquette and avoid being a jerk with “How Not to Be a Dick” by Meghan Doherty. This humorous guide is perfect for teens and adults alike, featuring comical “Dick and Jane” styled cartoons.
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Want to avoid being a jerk and learn essential etiquette? Look no further than “How Not to Be a Dick” by Meghan Doherty. This must-read guide offers straightforward advice and hilarious “Dick and Jane” styled cartoons, making it the perfect resource for teens and adults alike. Don’t let your hormonal mess of a teen turn into a total jackass – get them a copy today!
How Not to Be a Dick
Zest Books ™. 2019
On the one hand, nobody wants to be a dick. On the other hand, dicks are everywhere! They cut in line, talk behind our backs, recline into our seats, and even have the power to morph into trolls online. Their powers are impressive, but with a little foresight and thoughtfulness, we can take a stand against dickishness today. How Not to Be a Dick is packed with honest and straightforward advice, but it also includes playful illustrations showing two well-meaning (but not always well behaved)...
How to Not Be a Dick
HarperCollins. 2019
In this full-color, illustrated guide, the wildly popular lifestyle brand Brother offers the definitive handbook to navigating life and becoming a somewhat respectable human being Life can be complicated. From the classroom to the bedroom, the office to the DM, we could all use a little guidance—young guys especially. No one actually wants to be dick, but from time to time, everyone is. How do we know? Because we at Brother have spent years studying dickishness in all its forms, and we’re...
Don't Be A Dick
Central Recovery Press. 2019
The single book therapists everywhere will recommend to all of their patients, because at some point or another, we are all behaving like dicks. Why this book? Because you might be a dick: a mean-spirited, self-serving individual who thinks and acts as though everyone else in the world can only be understood—and whose only importance is defined—in terms of their relationship to himself or herself. That’s right, herself. Because anatomical evidence aside, dicks can be women, too. Being a dick...
Be a Dick

My name is Marc. And I am a Dick. I'm a Dick to all of my friends. And to my family. I'm a Dick to people I know. And to people I don't know. In fact, if we were to bump into each other someday, whether it be online or in real life, I would probably be a Dick to you, too. It's nothing personal. It's just who I am. And who I believe we all should be. Be a Dick: How One Person Can Change the World in the Most Unexpected Way is the true story of one's journey to live a life that matters and the...
Don't Be a Dick Pete
Vintage. 2018
Stuart Heritage got where he is today by being decent, thoughtful, hardworking and kind. He is, in short, a model citizen. The favourite son. His younger brother Pete is quick-tempered, peevish and aggressively pig-headed and, for a while, known to his friends as 'Shagger'. But now, Stu has returned to his hometown to discover that Pete has taken his place. Don't Be A Dick, Pete is a hilarious examination of home and family; sons, fathers, fatherhood, sibling relationships and how hard it is...
How Not to Be an Asshole

About the book:Is life being too hard on you? Feel like you have been wronged by the universe? Truth be told, the universe has better and more important things to do! That's what rising author E.B. Davis II would tell you in her latest book "How Not to Be an Asshole". If you are the type to take life too seriously, or spend days wallowing in self-pity every time something goes wrong, this book will offer you a pick-me-up like no other. It just so happens, sometimes no amount of mollycoddling...