The Awkward Moments Children’s Bible is a funny and thought-provoking read for adults that combines actual Bible verses with witty illustrations to encourage critical thinking about the Bible’s impact on our culture. Check it out now.
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Looking for a funny and insightful way to explore the Bible? Look no further than the Awkward Moments Children’s Bible. This adult-themed read uses real Bible verses and humorous illustrations to encourage readers to think critically about the Bible’s role in shaping our culture. Get ready to laugh and learn – check out the Awkward Moments Children’s Bible today.
Awkward Moments (Not Found in Your Average) Children's Bible - Volume #1
CreateSpace. 2013
How well do you know the Good Book? Written by a retired ministry leader, this book combines actual Bible verses with more than 30 whimsical original illustrations and commentaries to encourage readers (from all walks of faith) to think about how the Bible shapes our culture as Christianity continues to evolve.What began as a private online gag among interfaith friends quickly grew into a #1 Amazon Bestseller on its first day of sales - enjoyed by fundamentalist Christians and militant...
Awkward Moments (Not Found in Your Average) Children's Bible - Vol. 2

STILL NOT FOR KIDS! If you thought our first bestseller was inappropriate for kids, this volume is barely appropriate for adults! More incest, genocide, talking animals, wrestling matches, martyrs, abortion, magic, homosexuality and selficide! What would Jesus do? You might be surprised what His own family thought of Him! From the opening foreword by Evangelical pastor, author, and professor Dan Kimball (of Vintage Faith Church), to the challenging commentaries in the second half of the...
Awkward Moments (Not Found in Your Average) Children's Bible - Vol. 3

Combining real Bible verses with whimsical original illustrations, Awkward Moments uses humor to encourage people from all walks of life to think about the Bibles on their shelves, perhaps for the first time.Let's be honest - there are some things in the Good Book that are just... awkward! There are verses we'd like to forget or that have been changed throughout the centuries. There are many verses you've never heard before in church, let alone seen in your average children's Bible! Not to...
Illustrated Stories from the Bible

An adult parody of children's illustrated Bible-story books, presenting stories that either are too terrible to include in a child's book or are usually bowdlerized for delicate readers. Each illustrated tale is followed by a philosophical critique of the ethics and logic of the biblical god.