Apr 5, 2023

Killing Hitler Choose Your Adventure Book

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Rewrite history with Killing Hitler and Praise and Fire, a thrilling adventure book that takes you through 13 different time periods with over 100 different endings. Travel back in time from the year 2525 and make a difference in the world.
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Take control of history with Killing Hitler and Praise and Fire, the must-read adventure book for history buffs. With 13 different time periods and over 100 different endings, you’ll travel back in time from the year 2525 and have the power to rewrite the pages of history. Join the time traveler on a thrilling adventure and make a difference in the world.

Killing Hitler With Praise And Fire

Killing Hitler With Praise And Fire

Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. 2014

Killing Hitler With Praise And Fire is a choose your own adventure type gamebook about killing or eliminating Hitler to make the world a better place. Play as a time traveller from the year 2525 and explore 13 different time periods with over 100 different endings. Options for victory range from the standard shoot Hitler in the face to the darkest lovecraftian horrors.

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